Complete the test that helps you join Skoltech's Master's program
Joining a Master's program in a leading Russian university is a rare oportunity. Our readers, however, can try joining Skoltech's 'Computational Science and Engineering'program. The CSE program combines high-level engineering (high-performance computing, cutting-edge modeling software) with in-depth teaching of the foundations of computational science. Our graduates will obtain deep knowledge of scientific computing as well as hands-on engineering skills (software, algorithms, tools, etc.).
This is the second part of our online test of computation skills. You can find the first part in Russian here. When you finish the test, you will be able to give us your email. People from Skoltech will email you if your answers meet their expectations. You can send your email only once. The results of our tests can give you some additional points upon entering the CSE program. So, go for it!